Setting up a blog via Github

Things I learned so far

Setting up a blog via Github

Things I learned so far

2020 would’ve been a good year to start back up a Project 365 again, but I obviously missed the boat on that one.

At this moment, it would appear that not much will be different in 2021, so, I figured… why not bring on the challenge which I failed miserably back in 2013.

I was only able to do the project through March, and then shit kind kinda hit the fan in April. Raiden was born in April of that year, which was probably the only great thing that happened in 2013. June of the same year, I was laid off from a job that I held for about 6 years up to that point. In hindsight, I supposed those times would’ve been good to blog about. :-P

Fast forward to this new year’s eve-eve for 2021, I can’t say there is really much that I can complain about at the moment. 2020 was certainly a shit show of a fucking year, but we came out of it with the orange man leaving the white building soon, and everyone in my family has managed it quite nicely. No one has wanted to kill each other yet, and most importantly, we are all healthy.

So now, onto setting up this blog situation. My professional website has been hosted at for the past few years or so, I kept my domain of still, but that old blog has been long gone, so now I need a new place to blog and post pictures. And as all of you know, these days are much different from 2013 - Instagram and TikTok are much of a main platform of choice these days which kinda replaced what my old ass did for blogging. None the less, this project is somewhat of a personal challenge at this point, let’s see how far we can take this thing in 2021!

Anyways, here are the things that I did in the last few days to ready this blog for 2021:

  1. I went through a few themes before I found this one - so you just kinda have to look for it
  2. Fork the Jekyll theme that you like in your Github space
  3. Learn Markdown
  4. Commit and Push your changes like any Github repo

So… here goes nothin’! See ya on Jan 1st, 2021!

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